How We Plan

Our Process

Please click on a step to learn more about our process.

Intro Call

Initial Consult

Case Design

Strategy Session

Plan Delivery & Implementation

On-going Advice

Intro Call - Estimated Time: 30 Minutes


  • Get to know each other
  • Discuss your planning concerns
  • Explain who we are and how we work with clients
  • Provide an overview of the process
  • Confidential questionnaire emailed directly to you

Initial Consult - Estimated Time: 1-1.5 Hours

In Person or Virtual Meeting


  • Review completed confidential questionnaire
  • Focus on your specific goals and confirm financial data
  • Conduct a cash/income needs analysis along with a retirement planning worksheet
  • Address any questions/concerns around the planning process
  • Discuss the costs associated with entering into a formal financial planning engagement

Case Design - Average of 3-5 Weeks

Now the fun begins! This is the part of the planning process where our team begins developing your financial plan based on your goals and financial data. Expect frequent communication from us as we have additional questions and need supporting documents (paystubs, estate documents, investment/retirement account statements, insurance coverage, etc.).

Strategy Session - Estimated Time: 1 – 1.5 Hours

In Person or Virtual Meeting


  • Review your Balance Sheet (Net Worth Statement)
  • Analyze your cash flow (Inflows vs Outflows)
  • Discuss our observations and recommendations going forward
  • Confirm your specific action items with a date for completion

Plan Delivery & Implementation - Estimated Time: 30 minutes

Phone Call or Virtual Meeting


  • Answer any questions that arose from your strategy session
  • Confirm your goals and action items
  • Discuss the next steps

On-Going Advice - Throughout the next 12 months

Communicate with each other as questions arise about:

  • Benefits
  • Retirement accounts
  • Investment accounts
  • Estate planning
  • Major purchases
  • Unexpected expenses
  • Etc.

Our Services

We are a full-service financial firm offering:

Personal Planning

Business Planning

Estate Planning

Succession Planning

Retirement Planning

Wealth Accumulation

Our Alliances

Effective financial strategies often require a team of experts working together to serve your best interests. In such situations, we act as the quarterback who makes sure everyone is working together to achieve the best possible results. If you have existing team members you trust, such as your CPA or attorney, we are happy to work with them, and we can also bring in our subject-matter experts as needed. Some of our strategic alliances are detailed below.